Successful collaborations powerfully build organizations and strengthen their resiliency


The Collaborative Business Support team works as a cooperative, jointly offering their services through the network.  Our team of professional advisors maintain a wealth of experience as most have over ten years with some of the top organizations from across the nation.  With their extensive leadership and management experience, they understand the realities of running a business.  They know how to boost efficiencies, increase revenues and build capacity to grow organizations.

Our advisors are committed to providing our clients value through exceptional quality services at cost-effective rates.  We delight in helping business ventures expand, especially when the benefits directly impact a community and reverberate through multiple channels.


Many of our advisors operate their own specialized independent consulting firms.  Their paths cross one another when referrals occur.  This usually happens when aspects of a project are not part an advisor’s wheelhouse.  For example, a CPA project may require data analytics to accurately determine next steps.  Or, a workforce development advisor may realize a new webpage is needed to process applicants.

Eventually, Collaborative Business Support organically grew into a consortium.  We share solutions for servicing clients and provide project support when needed.  We organized our common administrative services such as bookkeeping, invoicing, filings, etc., under one umbrella so advisors could concentrate on servicing clients.

When the pandemic hit, new paradigms were created that redefined the future of work.  As the economy constricted, it alternatively opened up outsourcing opportunities for consultants.  The past few years have reinforced our relevance as well as our resolve to expand our advisor’s network.


  • Industry specific expertise
  • Transfer knowledge
  • Supplement existing staff
  • New business opportunities
  • Resilient capacity building
  • Value-centric delivery
  • Efficiency-focused transformation
  • Reduced risk exposure
  • Greater return on investment